NEWS - Anger as lecturer warns students not to contact their MLAs

Students at Stranmillis College have expressed dismay after being told by senior lecturer Dr Andrew Brown not to contact their MLAs with concerns about how the teaching college is handling the pandemic.

The comments were allegedly made yesterday in a meeting about placements for trainee teachers attended by around 100 students. In the meeting, some students voiced their dissatisfaction with Stranmillis as over 200 undergraduates have not be placed on required school placements.

Dr Brown is a Principal Lecturer at Stranmillis College

Dr Brown is a Principal Lecturer at Stranmillis College

According to students present, Dr Brown said that he was aware that some students were raising concerns with their elected representatives. He told attendees to be very aware of the consequences of going public with their dissatisfaction. Doing so, he suggested, would alert schools that the graduating cohort of students feel underprepared for beginning their teaching career. Dr Brown went on to stress the importance of students submitting positive feedback in their Student Satisfaction Survey.

One student told The Scoop, “To hear a fellow educator quash the concerns of their students was not only very alarming but in fact contradicted the training we have received over our time at the college.

By the threatening tone of Dr Brown’s voice it felt like we were being firmly told to stay quiet.”

Another student said, “I was appalled to hear a senior lecturer discredit valid concerns and dissatisfaction with the college’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Taking an issue to an elected representative is any citizen’s legitimate right - and to attempt to suppress such action is very worrying.”

A sign currently displayed on a Stranmillis notice board

A sign currently displayed on a Stranmillis notice board

These students asked for anonymity because they feared being punished by Stranmillis College, a branch of Queen’s University Belfast dedicated to teacher training.

Clare Bailey, Green Party MLA for South Belfast reacted to the news, saying, “Any citizen is entitled to contact their elected representative to seek support and guidance, particularly during a public health emergency - this of course includes students.

I'd encourage Stranmillis to investigate this matter directly. I also encourage any student to speak out and seek help where and when they need to. My office will continue to be of assistance to all who contact us."

A spokesperson for Stranmillis College told The Scoop, “The Stranmillis University College meeting to which you refer was arranged to support students, listen to their concerns and address queries. Within the context of our listening and discussions on student support, students were reminded of the various avenues available to them to raise concerns within Stranmillis and encouraged to use these mechanisms in the first instance, so that a prompt response could be provided.

We fully acknowledge the constitutional right of our students to contact their elected representatives.”
