QUBSU Elections - who's running for Activities?

scott duffield

The 2019 Student Union Elections are here and, with that, the candidates have released their manifestos - covering a wide range of diverse policies! So, here at The Scoop, we’ve put together this article to break down the key schemes and promises each candidate is aiming to achieve! 


Running for SU Activities Officer this year is Ellen Fearon (3rd Year Law & Politics) and Peter Dunn (Masters, English Literacy Studies).


Ellen Fearon


Ellen states in her manifesto that she is running to ensure students “feel at home at Queens” and that they have “experiences and opportunities that [they] deserve”. Her manifesto focuses on Student Housing, saying she’ll introduce campaigns “against illegal housing application fees” and “host pop up ‘Know Your Housing Rights’ sessions”.


Other priorities Ellen sets out is to reform off-campus discipline saying, “I will be the strong voice needed to change the University’s policy & protect students rights”. Ellen is promising to streamline the funding process for clubs and societies and create a sponsorship process.


For international students, Ellen states that she will run events for international students outside term time – so they are “benefiting from the SU all year round”.


Peter Dunn


In Peter’s manifesto he is promising to support students finding accommodation, give clubs and societies better support and run more events in the SU that don’t include alcohol to encourage greater engagement.


Peter is aiming to “organise specific social events for people… to meet potential flatmates and develop a greater system of support” while also “create an open housing event within the SU” to educate students on their housing rights and housing options in two separate programmes.


For Clubs & Societies, Peter is promising to ensure that the student experience isn’t affected by the current decant centre. Looking at “Building Community” Peter says he wants to ensure Queen’s stays true to their pledge of creating the “Queen’s Family” – by being welcoming to all and offering more for students.



To read each of the manifestos in full click here. The QUBSU Elections take place on the 5th & 6th of March and you can vote online at qubsu.org.


Make sure to follow @QRTheScoop on all social media for the latest election updates and interviews with the candidates.