SU21 - Emma Murphy for Education Officer

Hi! My name is Emma Murphy, and I am campaigning to be your Education Officer. I’m a third year English Student and love writing about working class and Irish literature. I am currently acting as a School Representative for Arts, English and Languages as well as the Co-Lead Peer Mentor for my school. Last year I was also President of the English Society, after being an associate member in first year.

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I have really enjoyed all my experiences at Queen’s, and they have been instrumental in why I have chosen to run. The Students’ Union has played an element in every year of my degree, and I would love to play a bigger role in helping other students through the role of Education Officer.

I’m fully aware of the many issues that students face and how they affect your education. I have worked part-time during this pandemic. I have experienced first-hand the inadequacy of online learning and listened to the countless voices of students who rightly believe that this year has not been good enough. I aim to tackle a host of issues that you face, both in academic experience and the surrounding issues that impact it.

I have a background based in supporting and helping students, which provides me a unique perspective on the issues that matter to you. I have heard from students across all years and subjects and aim to provide tangible improvement for their educational experience at Queen’s.

It is clear that online learning this year hasn’t worked. Students feel disengaged, under pressure and the fact that they are expected to produce a ‘normal’ standard of work is ridiculous.

By implementing a Safety Net of uncapped, free resits proposed by the SU this would ensure students were not unfairly impacted by the pandemic. Feedback is also an area that severely needs reworked; getting work back in an acceptable time frame and before your next assignment is the bare minimum and yet many subjects fail to do so. Within my own School I have already worked to change deadlines due to an incorrect date published and to avoid bunched deadlines. I aim to work with the university to solve these issues, and to continue online lectures next year so that whether you are shielding, an international student or have caring responsibilities that your education is accessible.

Student workers receive little to no support from Queen’s in regard to their education. Many students, especially postgraduate, work alongside their degree to support themselves. Despite this, extra support is not given with timetabling or consideration for exceptional circumstances extended. Supporting yourself and your studies through working should not be a barrier to education, especially given the financial impact of the pandemic.

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Both Employability and Mental Health services are lacking in their support for students which directly impacts their education. The limited amount of counselling sessions and lack of funding for mental health services is reprehensible. Increased professional services are required, and by providing training and awareness sessions for staff and elected student reps as this could help direct students towards the services they need.

I have also been working to develop Employability services within the Humanities and delivered the Industry Uncovered series which allows students to interview and network with employers. I will aim to expand this approach with many more subjects so that every student has a career plan beyond graduation and feels represented at Careers events.

Finally, this year has been isolating for all of us. Working to expand peer mentoring across the university would develop relationships between students and make sure that everyone felt welcome from their first day in university. By working with personal tutors and the elected Campaigns and Engagement Officer, I aim to create a better community at Queen’s because making friends and joining societies have been some of my favourite memories during my time here.

I am extremely passionate about my proposed policies, and I believe I am the best candidate to listen to your feedback and be your voice on issues that matter to you. Vote Emma for Education between March 1 and 4 if you believe that Queen’s should be held accountable for what they promise!

To see all the candidates running for this position, visit the QUB SU Website.
