SU22 - Beth Elder for Education officer

Beth Elder

Guys, gals and my non-binary pals, my name is Beth Elder and I’m running to be your next Education Officer here at QUB!

To tell you a little bit about myself; I’m a soon-to-be Pharmaceutical Studies graduate here at Queen’s. I’ve spent the last 3 years on the student activism scene as a course rep, and more recently the undergraduate school of pharmacy rep. I’ve thrived in each of my positions in the SU, and through all of its challenges I’ve found a passion for Education Policy work.

I’d like to bring four main issues to the forefront of the QUBSU Educational agenda.

Online learning is more prevalent now than ever, but the engagement and interaction still isn’t there. I don’t believe blended learning can be standardised across the university, and it’s my aim to work with staff from every school to tailor teaching delivery to suit each cohort of students. This would take the form of course-specific focus groups where staff could get a personal feel to how their teaching is impacting their students, rather than black and white survey answers. After all, this is your university, and your voice should be heard.

I have an inside look at how the rep system works, and I have seen the good that student voice committees can do. The main issue coming up time and time again is the poor visibility and interaction with the student reps. I want every student on every course in every school to know who is representing their voice. I’d like to start with updating and improving the visibility of the SU website and social media accounts. From my experience, a huge issue in student voice is lack of action on issues raised. From this, I hope to introduce a two-week action report model. This would mean all student voice members will be held accountable and must report what action they have taken in the time following the student voice meeting. Ideally, this would be made accessible to all concerning students too.

I recognise how mental health has a huge impact on education, and how this role can implement change to help. Educational isolation is a widespread feeling amongst the masses, and it has a negative effect on both your education and your university experience. I’d like to collaborate with VP Welfare and VP Campaigns & Engagement to work towards an updated University-wide OMNI mental health report. Nobody can argue with statistics. From an educational standpoint, I’d like to improve discussion boards where students can ask questions easier and with less constraint. Additionally I’d like to explore a platform where students could provide real-time feedback after every lecture. You should not feel alone when undertaking your degree.

The fourth point I’d like to bring forward is the ongoing fight against tuition fees and the rising cost of education. This issue is not going away, so the fight won’t go away! On education committees, there is only one space allocated for a student officer- the education officer. If elected, I will dedicate time to representing Queens on this issue, and work with the National Union of Students on the #StudentsDeserveBetter campaign. I’ll also raise awareness on financial aid available in QUB. The cost of your education ultimately affects the quality of your education, and we shouldn’t be left feeling like consumers. Your education isn’t a product to be bought.

Alongside these issues, I plan to support Irish Language across campus, support International students and improve student rep training. I’ll also continue the already ongoing work on improving feedback and marking turnover times.

I feel like I’m in a unique position because I’ve been a student, and I’ve been an active member of the Students Union. I have a good knowledge of how the Student Voice system works, I know what needs to change, and I’m willing to put in the work to make this happen.

The pandemic has shown how powerful we can be when we work together, and I want to build on this to create a better education for all. A vote for Beth #1 for Education means a vote for your voice and for action and accountability and change.

To see all the candidates running, visit the QUBSU website.

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