SU23 - Preksha Jain for Campaigns and Engagement officer

Preksha Jain

"Which medicine is a replacement for my medicine back in my country?" to "Where do we get the best Asian or Italian food"

My father once told me that unless you don’t step on the ground, you cannot understand the perspective of the people. Having a Student officer is exactly that for us as students. I am Preksha Jain, studying a Marketing MSc degree from the Management School at Queen’s University Belfast. I have witnessed and experienced the struggles of being an International student, especially in this post-Covid economy in which the cost of living is rising. From searching for accommodation to settling into a foreign country, being a student has a multitude of challenges; especially when your course extent is merely a year, it does not leave you much time for learning, settling, struggling and reaping. 

Before we get into everything that I stand to change in the coming year, here is a little about me.

I was brought up by a very strong-willed mother and a humble and extremely inspirational father. From my little sister I have learnt to remain calm and adapt to new trends, without losing myself in the process. What I identify with the most was lent to me by my four wise grandparents, who have nurtured me with valuable morals since my birth. 

What I identify the most with, my morals, is a legacy of my grandparents' nurturing that allowed me to appreciate my culture and traditions without being inflexible. The adaptability is also a partial product of my frequent transfers across cultures and vibrant people that have subsequently touched my life and personality. My father’s colleagues inspired an interest in German; I picked up Italian while fangirling with an online friend from Florence; my undergraduate course provided me with an opportunity to learn the primary level of Mandarin. Gujarati and Marwadi are family inheritance. I’m also semi-fluent in Malayalam thanks to my roommate who introduced me to so many facets of the ‘Kerelan’ culture and language. With the QUB Sign society I have the opportunity to learn British Sign Language. 

And yet my most honest expression probably comes through in dance. Poetry is a solace, and reading a passion.

What’s important is that I am approachable, dynamic and loud when you need me to be. I am here to make a difference, to make this transition of entering into university easier and more fruitful.

Amidst the strikes and economic challenges, a lot of our student experience is getting compromised. It is strenuous to find ourselves a part-time job, let alone a full-time or graduate role. We deserve a reciprocal and approachable student body, we deserve to be heard and guided. To no more missed opportunities or months of just settling in. So you can make the best out of it!

Here is a list of my priorities:

  • Student support - Create a reciprocal and approachable student body for every challenge, query and support required by students. Create a guidance system for new students so that all help within and outside of the university is provided.

  • Mitigating cost of living crisis - Cheaper on-campus food availability and a stocked SU lounge. Rent concessions and accommodation support. 

  • Direct channelling of part-time jobs - Campaigning for creating jobs on campus and negotiation with local employers to channel direct part-time employment. 

  • Internships and full time employment - Organise an efficient system of career services to provide students with the help they need in navigating their post-college work.

  • Dietary requirement-inclusive food on campus - i.e. allergen-friendly and religion-friendly (Halal, Jain, Vegan, Kosher etc) food on campus.

  • Inclusive support system/Tackle loneliness/Promote emotional-well being - Promote inter-society events for students to meet, feel belonging and build an inclusive community.

I am also available for you for every query, support and suggestion: @prekshajainqub on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or at 

Always feel free to approach, discuss, ask or suggest. Looking forward to hearing from you all. 

By the way, in case you’re wondering, Lemsip is a great painkiller and if you’re looking for Asian food, you could try Wagamama! 

To see all the candidates running, visit the Queen’s SU website

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