SU23 - Adam Mandeville for Undergraduate Education officer

Adam Mandeville

It’s 2 am. I'm sitting here, staring at the mould on the ceiling of my cold, crappy kitchen.  The landlord probably painted over it before we moved in, but it’s still there.  It’s 2 am and I can’t sleep.  I can’t sleep because I’m stressing about my upcoming deadlines - three essays, and they’re all due within a week of each other.  Because of course they are.  It’s 2 am, and I’m sitting here thinking about all the money I’ve spent on this ‘once in a lifetime’ experience, and whether it was all worth it.

I’m sitting here, at 2 am, trying to put into words the anger and frustration I feel at the way this University treats its students.  I don’t know a single person who is happy with this University, with the way it is run.  Each and every day, we are being let down.  Each and every day, we are being failed.

Until a few months ago, I never planned to run in this election.  I’m not even sure I planned to vote.  But, over time, I just became fed up.  Fed up of the University, and the way it treats its students.  Fed up of the lies it tells us.  Google ‘Queen’s University Belfast’.  Click on the first link.  Scroll down.  ‘Friendly, affordable and safe, your student journey begins in Belfast’.  At any point has your ‘journey’ felt ‘affordable’ or ‘safe’?  

We were sold a lie.  All of us, every one of us.  We were sold this ‘brilliant’ university that ‘cares’ about its students.  We were told we were getting more than an education - we were getting an experience.  If you’re from the island of Ireland, that ‘experience’ is costing you £4,710 a year.  If you’re from Britain, that ‘experience’ is costing you £9,250 a year.  If you’re an International student, that ‘experience’ is costing you anywhere between £18,800 to £34,450 a year.  In exchange for years of debt, we are provided the bare minimum.  Does it feel worth it? 

That’s why I’m running for Undergraduate Education officer - because I believe it’s time students start getting their money’s worth.  I’m running because it’s time somebody fought back against the University and stood up for students.  I’m running because I’m fed up with the University extorting and exploiting its students for financial gain.  I’m fed up with zero compensation for all the lectures we’ve missed because of strikes.  I’m fed up with the unfair re-sit system, which caps you at 40 per cent.  I’m fed up with all my essays being due at once, and none of the lectures being recorded.  I’m fed up with constantly rising tuition fees, and a lack of support for International students.  We all pay so much money to study at Queen’s, and we receive so little in return.  I believe we deserve more.  I believe we are worth more.

To some extent, it doesn’t really matter.  Nobody cares about student politics, and I don’t blame them.  Time after time, students in universities and colleges across Britain and Ireland are promised everything and anything by those running in these elections.  And nothing changes.  Time after time, everything is promised, and nothing happens.

I’m going to be completely honest - I can’t promise you that I’ll solve every problem, or that I’ll achieve every one of my goals.  But I can promise that I will try.  I believe that undergraduates, and all students, deserve somebody who is on their side, someone who believes that better is possible, and will put their all into making it a reality.  Because we all deserve more.  Because we are all worth more.

To see all the candidates running, visit the Queen’s SU website


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