SU23 - Jamie-Lukas Campbell for Students' Union president

Jamie-Lukas Campbell

The Students' Union is broken and I'm running to fix it.

Over the past year as your Postgraduate officer, I have seen first-hand how the Students' Union is broken. Far too often, the Students' Union feels distant, passive, and inefficient. Most students don't even know that they are members, let alone how the Students' Union can help them. International students have been failed even further, often being left behind first by the University, then by the Students' Union.

Simply put, the SU is totally failing to be your representation on the issues that matter to you.

I want to change that.

I would build a Students' Union that is relevant and accessible to students. As President, I would create more outreach opportunities, so your SU engages you directly. I would build a better Student Officer team, one that works together and delivers for students.

Let's be honest, so many students don't have a clue about the SU because we don't communicate with them. I have developed a strategy and used every channel at my disposal as Postgraduate officer to communicate with my constituents, and as President, I will be in a position to implement smarter and more succinct communication strategies and make improvements on where we've begun making improvements to the postgrad community communications this year. I would make sure that we are visible to you by holding weekly pop-ups across campus, mandating SU staff to engage with students directly, and bringing SU decision-making to all corners of campus.

When I moved to Belfast from New York City in 2021 – leaving behind my family, friends, and job, like many International students I wasn't sure if the place I would now call home would make me feel welcome. Starting university studies is scary under normal circumstances; it's even more terrifying when you're beginning anew thousands of miles away from home.

As the first International student ever to be president of the Students' Union, I would overhaul the support given to International students and make sure that all our students feel welcome from their first days in Queen's, no matter where in the world they come from.

Throughout your time at University, the President of the Students' Union is the only student in meetings with top management who make decisions about everything from the fees that you pay for accommodation, to the support you receive while you're here. You deserve someone who has the experience and vision to make the SU work for you and put it back in the hands of the students whose fees pay for our salaries.

I have a track record of delivering on my promises, as I have this year, and as President, we will foster a culture of community, dialogue, and embracing the awkwardness. I've been transparent about my own struggles with respect to anxiety – and, I want to continue to help students (and staff!) 'embrace the awkwardness' and engage, especially after three years of shut-downs and lock-downs, and be each others' cheerleaders. We're at a world-class institution. We need to be bolder. We need to be a vocal and present Union. And, I have a stake in this game. I want to see a better Union when I commence my Ph.D. studies here at Queens.

I've found community and support in Belfast, and as President, I will continue to be a champion for all of us. For the International student who doesn't know where to turn. For the student representative who feels unsupported. For the student from around the corner but who is struggling with their mental health or housing. For the students fighting the good fight for the preservation of language and inclusion on campus. I will lead a Union that you can be proud of.

The SU is broken, but it doesn't have to be. I'm asking for you to vote for me so we can change that and take back your union.

To see all the candidates running, visit the Queen’s SU website.

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